Bonjour les amoureux!
En ce jour, tout est réuni pour ne photographier que la beauté de cet évènement.
Les sourires et les fleurs, l’élégance, l’inattendu, la lumière..
Au milieu de ce décor où tout est fait de joies et de surprises, j’aurai un immense plaisir à photographier vos mariages.
Entre la France, la Belgique, le Portugal, la Grèce et où que ce soit dans le monde, je serai présente dès le début de la journée,
jusqu’à ce que les premières danses soient lancées et que la fête soit là!
Ainsi, après les longues heures passés discrètement auprès de vous, en argentique ou digital, je vous livrerai dans un court délais les images
retouchées, en haute définition.
Afin de créer un contact plus chaleureux, j’ai l’habitude de rencontrer au préalable les futurs mariés ou autres intéressés pour m’imprégner de leurs goûts et découvrir leurs attentes.
J’ai hâte d’écouter votre histoire.. contactez moi!
Je suis diplômée d’un Master en photographie de l’ENSAV la Cambre à Bruxelles
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Hello Lovers!
It’s not called the one most important days of one's life for nothing - there is a magical feeling in the air. Everyone has to
gathered together in order to celebrate this very important event. Beauty is everywhere you look.
In the smiles and flowers, the elegant finery of the guests, in the poise and grace of the bride or even in the more unexpected - the flare of the lights and even the music.
It's exactly in this sort of setting that I feel most inspired. Feel at liberty to let my artists eye roam across the scenery in order to notice and capture those essential little details that occur and will endure as precious memories. It's those moments filled with pure joy and surprises that I will have the pleasure to photograph no matter if it's your wedding, birthday or your child's baptism.
A few years ago while I was studying photography at La Cambre, Brussels (National Graduate School of Visual Arts ) I got the opportunity to shoot the wedding of close of friends of mine. Ever since then I've been drawn to this sort of subject, as I find it poignant and evocative.
In-between France, Belgium, Portugal, Greece and the the rest of the world I would be honoured to provide you with the best of my services from the early morning of your day until the sun has long set and the night hast turned into an unforgettable party. For the entire course of that day my lens will be dedicated to capturing the grand gestures, the touching emotions as well as the tiny, yet so crucial essentials that will all come to together to compose a visually stunning album.
My modus operandi is to shoot as much analog as digital while being discreetly around you and your loved ones for this really up-close and personal feeling. Therefore I will be able to deliver you a first selection of edited HD images in a very short period of time.
Also as I think a warm relationship is the basis for best results I usually try to meet the future husband beforehand in order to get a better picture of their expectations and wishes in regards to the photos.
I can’t wait to hear your storie... contact me!
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